Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Fatma studied Job Application letter

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb 
           Hallo Friends, come back again with me Fatma . Hm do you miss me ? Yes I miss you too .Okay guys I won't wasted my time so let's end this chit chat . 
         Today 28 July 2020 , I was studying about Job Application Letter . So what is Job Application Letter ? Job Application letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information about your skills and experience to an employer that was mister Ach  tell to us when he was teaching in the class and today mister Ach also taught us about the structures for Job Application letter there are many structures of them like name and adress  of the Applicant , date the letter sent , employers information , position and many others . 
        And Mister Ach also Taught us about CV , CV is includes extensive information of your academy background like experience , degrees , awards , publications and other achievement . and After he explained the subject . He gave us the task , there are : Job Vacancy , Job Applications letter and CV . 
After he gave us the task . We Played Quizizz and the question is so hard and I got troubled with my connection so I played again for three times to get the score that I wanted. 
       After played quizizz Mr Ach told us to move in Line Chat to fixed our job vacancy that we need to write . and I know if find the job is so hard because there are expired time and the  long time for job experience before and the job for bachelor too least . so need a few minutes to get the job vacancy that I want I texted MR Ach and asked it can or no and yes Mr .Ach approved my job vacancy . 
     So Guys that's what I studied for today , the topic is Job Applicationt letter and I think this topic is more harder than before because we can't write the Job Letter or CV like we want , we need to reason to make that , The sentences and the words that we need is too hard  ,Like i sayed in my blog before I can't make the perfect sentences and the words that i know is too simple . 
    So maybe I need to study more than this . I know is hard and tired but I try my best, So friend if you want study please ask me to join with you  , I always prayed and try my best .
   I think that's all sorry  for my bad , Thank you very much to read my blog .

Wassalamualaikum Wr.wb 


1 comment:

  1. Better if you can attach your CV and job application letter


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